Saturday, March 21, 2009

Minimal Heat, small bites as the Secret of Health in China?

I've always thought it wasn't natural for us to eat hot foods since we originated by eating warm or cold food sources. I think excess heat can add to the possibility of throat, stomach, colon, prostate cancer and other digestive ailments.

In my opinion cancer is caused by long term inflammation and excessive stimulation like the hard pressing and squeezing for mammograms. Just eat your food warm. Hmm, does the opposite apply? That we shouldn't also eat COLD foods? Nahhh...its the inflammation and burning that creates the problems. So here is the quote from my cave archives;

The Chinese live in houses where the supply of air is so limited that no European could endure the vitiated atmosphere; yet they are a very healthy nation. This is due probably to the fact that their food is invariably simple and clean and thoroughly well cooked. Meat, potatoes, and rice are all boiled together. When cooked the mixture is put into small bowls, and as it is eaten with tiny chopsticks, it is impossible to try the mouth or stomach by scalding them with a quantity of very hot food. Moreover, they rarely drink water if they can get tea, either hot or cold.

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